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Grant Request Information

Walk With Autism Ltd. is a 501(c)(3) charitable organization designed to benefit local area businesses, schools and charities dedicated to autism awareness, acceptance and research.

We are excited to announce the Acceptance and Advocacy Grant Program. For this academic year we have ten (10) grant opportunities available. We feel that strengthening our local community and empowering our teachers in the Special Education/Life Skills setting creates value in education, furthering our mission to bring acceptance and awareness of autism to all facets of life.

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Walk With Autism Ltd. will be collecting grant proposals beginning July 20, 2024.  Grant proposals will be reviewed and decisions will be made after the grant proposal deadline, September 30, 2024. Recipients will be announced October 5, and monies will be disbursed by October 15, 2024. We anticipate that the majority of requests will be for amounts less than $750.

Individuals eligible to submit proposals must be special education teachers or support staff who work primarily with students on the autism spectrum. Proposals may be for projects, activities, books, equipment, or other materials that enhance the social-emotional or educational lives of individuals in Washington County, Utah. In addition, proposals from special education teachers may be submitted for attendance at a conference or workshop related to students on the autism spectrum.

Tangible items that are purchased with the use of these grant funds will become the property of the individual receiving the funding. If at some time in the future, the individual is no longer employed in a capacity where they service students on the autism spectrum, it is expected that they will pass the items to another person who can use them in the service of these children.

Walk with Autism will request an update as to how the monies were used and reserves the right to share those details, limiting all personal information. 

We look forward to hearing about your project and how it will benefit students with autism. Click the button below to complete the application.

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